State Leadership Conference Competitions
Join us at the State Leadership Conference, our largest and most prestigious event of the year! Compete in exclusive state events and the State STAR Events Competitions. This is your chance to showcase your talents and leadership skills on the biggest stage. Click the button below to see the event guidelines and start preparing for an unforgettable experience!
State Events
Discover the special State Events available only at our State Leadership Conference! These competitions provide a unique opportunity to showcase your skills and creativity in a variety of categories. Designed to highlight the best of the best, these events are an essential part of our premier event of the year.
Chicken Fabrication
An individual event, showcases the best of FCCLA members' knife skills. Participants will safely fabricate a chicken into eight pieces, meeting industry standards, while demonstrating proper safety and sanitation procedures.
* Participants must be or have been enrolled in a culinary program. This competition is sponsored by GACHEF Foundation
Creative Showpiece
An individual event, recognizes FCCLA members who demonstrate the ability to creatively use a variety of food ingredients and materials to prepare and display a showpiece. The Creative Showpiece competition is designed to highlight the creativity and artistry skills of the culinary arts versus cookery.
* Participants must be or have been enrolled in a culinary program. This competition is sponsored by GACHEF Foundation
Creed Speaking and Interpretation
An individual event, recognizes members for their ability to recite the FCCLA creed and interpret it within the context of their personal philosophy. This event allows members to gain self-confidence in public speaking while learning the values and philosophy expressed by the organization in which they hold membership.
* Participants must be first-year members.
Digital Delish Dish
An individual/team event that recognizes participants who demonstrate their ability to use knowledge and skills to record and edit a food demonstration video with a science spin.
*Participants must be enrolled in a Nutrition and Food Science program. This competition is sponsored by the GANFS Foundation
Digital Storytelling
An individual/partner event, recognizes participants who demonstrate their ability to develop a video that tells a story about a Georgia Performance Standard.
* Participants must be or have been enrolled in an Early Childhood Education or Education as a Profession program. This competition is sponsored by the GECEF Foundation.
Every Bite is a Story
An individual/team event, recognizes members for their ability to develop a healthy snack for 1-2 or 3 -5 age children by researching and product development.
* Participants must be or have been enrolled in a Nutrition and Food Science or Early Childhood Education program. This competition is sponsored by the GANFS and GECEF Foundations.
Food Science Investigation
An individual/team event, recognizes FCCLA members who demonstrate their ability to use knowledge and skills to video a fact-based investigation to solve a food-science mystery.
* Participants must be or have been enrolled in a Nutrition and Food Science program. This competition is sponsored by the GANFS Foundation.
Knife Skills
an individual event, showcases FCCLA member knowledge of knife skills and cuts, knife cut identification and knife skills demonstration.
* Participants must be or have been enrolled in a culinary program. This competition is sponsored by GACHEF Foundation
Online Proficiency Testing
An individual event, tests Georgia FCCLA’s member’s knowledge in a specific Family and Consumer Sciences area.
Culinary Arts
Early Childhood Education
Education as a Profession
Fashion Design
Financial Literacy
Interior Design
Middle School: Family and Consumer Sciences
Nutrition and Food Science
Parliamentary Procedure
Power of One
An individual event, Power of One helps students find and use their personal power. Members set their own goals, work to achieve them and enjoy the results. In this competition, FCCLA members will create a display to showcase their Power of One projects.
Statesman Exam
An individual event, recognizing members for their knowledge of FCCLA and Georgia FCCLA.
Toys That Teach
an individual event, recognizes members for their ability to design, build and demonstrate an original, homemade toy which provides learning and play for either an individual child or a small group of children. The toy is to be constructed of common, everyday household items, meet safety guidelines and be easy to carry and use.
* Participants must be or have been enrolled in an Early Childhood Education or Education as a Profession program. This competition is sponsored by the GECEF Foundation.